Vates is 10 years old
This year, Vates is celebrating its 10th anniversary. For those who don't really know our history, our company was founded in 2012, and at the time we were an open source software integrator. We've come a long way since then and Vates now has over 20 employees across several continents. If you want to learn more about our history, we created a while back a timeline about us.
The last 10 years were just the beginning! Our calendar is already full of projects for the next 10 years and 2022 will be full of announcements so be sure to stay tuned by subscribing our newsletter!
Vates new graphic identity
Over the past 10 years we have developed our business in many ways. First as an integrator of Open Source solutions, then as the developer of Xen Orchestra, a solution dedicated to server virtualization with Citrix Hypervisor and finally, the development of XCP-ng, our own Open Source virtualization platform based on Xen.
These projects were built in several stages, each in turn, and we have to admit that our graphic identity as a company is somewhat messy. It was time to get it right and we are proud to present the new Vates logo!

And our new baseline:

An illustrated graphic universe that is similar to what we have already done for the XCP-ng logo, which we really like (and you too, it seems).
Vates is represented as a planet, a kind of central point for all our solutions. Our new baseline is clear and conveys the mission of Vates in a single sentence.
We are very pleased with the new logo and our new baseline, which clarifies our position as a player in the world of open source virtualization.
What's next?
As explained, our goal is to achieve a complete overhaul of our graphic identity and we have therefore started to rework the XCP-ng and Xen Orchestra logos to homogenize the whole thing (don't worry, the XCP-ng rocket is not going to disappear, just get a little facelift).
Beyond this new graphic identity, we are also working on new versions of our websites in order to better integrate our new logos, but also to simplify access to our solutions by grouping information more clearly as well as creating new ways to access our products.