New blog online
In fact, we started to blog a long time ago: more than 8 years already! We did it through Xen Orchestra, when we started actively to work on the project (read the first blog post here). So many thing happened since then!
What's up?
To start, we are working on a nice timeline making a quick recap on big milestones we achieved since we created the company. Stay tuned, this will be available in few days. But we'll add more content related to our story, our challenges and how we achieved some unexpected success (like XCP-ng!). Cool stuff to tell, so that's why we decided to dedicated a new space for all of this.
It's nice to see that our original DNA, doing fully Open Source products, never changed since our inception. We "just" extended that vertically, from the virtualization platform right to the management/backup!

A dedicated platform
Our company grew a lot (we are now more than 20 and it's just a start!), now working on multiple Open Source products and making a big ecosystem around us (see this page for some examples!). More than that, we started to explore new horizons completely compatible with our current focus, making sense in our overall strategy and even more: our vision.
Long story short, we needed a dedicated platform to write all of this, and this is the first post. So hang on and keep an eye on this blog if you want to learn more about us!