Clever Cloud and Vates: two French tech leaders join forces to create comprehensive and autonomous Cloud solutions

Press release May 28, 2024
French version is below.

Paris and Grenoble, May 23, 2024 - Clever Cloud ( and Vates ( are pleased to announce a strategic partnership aimed at enhancing the cloud's strategic autonomy in France and Europe. By merging their respective expertise, these two French technological leaders in cloud solutions, specializing in PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), are joining forces to offer a robust, autonomous, and open alternative to hyperscalers.

Comprehensive and Integrated Solutions for Businesses: This strategic partnership is set to provide businesses with an extensive and integrated range of IaaS and PaaS services. The solutions offered will enable companies to benefit from a complete cloud infrastructure, from advanced resource virtualization to simplified application deployment and management. This allows businesses to address diverse application challenges while alleviating complex operational burdens.

Meeting the Requirements of Strategic Autonomy: By combining the strengths of Clever Cloud and Vates, this partnership addresses the growing needs for technological independence and digital sovereignty among businesses. The solutions provided will reduce reliance on major global providers while ensuring optimal performance tailored to modern business demands. This partnership showcases that European technologies can deliver solutions that are as performant, if not superior, to those of hyperscalers.

Rejecting Vendor Lock-In Strategies: Clever Cloud and Vates share common values around open source and the rejection of vendor lock-in strategies. While many competitors develop proprietary technologies forcing clients to adapt their code and infrastructure, Clever Cloud and Vates have chosen a different path, finding these practices unethical.

“This partnership is a decisive step towards creating innovative and autonomous cloud solutions. It allows us to reaffirm our commitment to providing robust and transparent alternatives suited to the current challenges businesses face in cloud computing,” said Olivier Lambert, CEO and co-founder of Vates SAS. “Recent market changes are driving infrastructure operators and users to evolve their needs, making it crucial for them to rely on a strong alternative that spans from physical machine virtualization to managed services for enterprise applications.”

“Our partnership with Clever Cloud not only broadens our capacity to address specific client use cases and opens up new commercial opportunities, but it is also significant at the French and European levels. The combination of our two entities is unique within the European Union, paving the way for innovative cloud and edge infrastructures, made in France, tailored to market needs,” added Charles Schulz, Strategy Director at Vates.

For more information, please contact:
• Clever Cloud:
• Vates:

About Clever Cloud

Founded in 2010, Clever Cloud is a French company based in Nantes, specializing in IT automation. It creates and provides the software components necessary for deploying applications on self-service PaaS architectures. Its clients include prominent names such as Airbus, Great Place to Work, MAIF, Cegid, Docaposte, Fairphone, Solocal, and TBWA.

About Vates

About Vates: Vates is a key player in the IaaS field. Specializing in virtualization and orchestration solutions, Vates develops open-source technologies that meet critical business needs. Its Xen Orchestra platform exemplifies its commitment to innovation and transparency.

Paris et Grenoble, le 23 mai 2024 - Clever Cloud ( et Vates ( annoncent aujourd'hui un partenariat stratégique visant à renforcer l'autonomie stratégique du cloud en France et en Europe. En unissant leurs expertises respectives, ces deux champions technologiques français du cloud, notamment des solutions PaaS (Platform as a Service) et IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), joignent leurs forces pour proposer une alternative solide, autonome et ouverte face aux hyperscalers

Un Partenariat Stratégique pour l'Autonomie Stratégique du Cloud : Ce partenariat marque une étape importante dans la promotion de solutions cloud françaises et européennes, conçues pour réduire la dépendance aux grands fournisseurs mondiaux. En combinant les forces de Clever Cloud et de Vates, les entreprises pourront bénéficier d'une infrastructure cloud complète, allant de virtualisation avancée des ressources  au déploiement et à la gestion simplifiée des applications.

Une Alternative Autonome basée sur l’Open Source : Les solutions développées dans le cadre de ce partenariat offriront aux entreprises la possibilité de se libérer des charges opérationnelles complexes et de se concentrer pleinement sur le développement et l'exploitation de leurs applications métiers. L'approche open source garantit non seulement une transparence totale mais aussi une flexibilité accrue, permettant aux utilisateurs de personnaliser et d'optimiser leur environnement cloud selon leurs besoins spécifiques.

Vers un Marché Européen et International : Ensemble, Clever Cloud et Vates ambitionnent de renforcer leur présence sur les marchés européens et internationaux. Ce partenariat stratégique est une réponse aux besoins croissants d'indépendance technologique et de souveraineté numérique, tout en offrant des solutions performantes et adaptées aux exigences des entreprises modernes.

Ce partenariat est une étape décisive vers la création de solutions cloud innovantes et autonomes. Ces deux leaders technologiques français réaffirment leur engagement à fournir des alternatives solides et transparentes, adaptées aux défis actuels des entreprises en matière de cloud computing.

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter :

·      Clever Cloud :

·      Vates :

À propos de Clever Cloud

Clever Cloud est une entreprise française reconnue pour son offre PaaS innovante qui permet aux développeurs de déployer, gérer et scaler automatiquement leurs applications. Clever Cloud propose des solutions robustes qui simplifient le déploiement des applications et la gestion des infrastructures, tout en assurant des performances optimales.

À propos de Vates

Vates est un acteur incontournable dans le domaine de l'IaaS. Spécialisée dans les solutions de virtualisation et d'orchestration, Vates développe des technologies open source qui répondent aux besoins critiques des entreprises. Sa plateforme Xen Orchestra est un exemple emblématique de son engagement envers l'innovation et la transparence.


Marc-André Pezin

CMO at Vates since 2017, I have been at the forefront of shaping and advancing the communication strategies and business development initiatives for Vates Virtualization Management Stack.