Webinar replay - The importance of virtualization: possible open source solutions

Defense Aug 9, 2021

In June, we did a webinar conjointly with the AFCEA chapter of Roma and some of our partners. The replay of the webinar is available.

Virtualization technologies are at the heart of today's data centers, hybrid cloud and even IT battlefields. As such, it is an essential part of IT infrastructure management and cybersecurity. Virtualization helps reduce costs and makes the available infrastructure more efficient and productive. Vates is one of the few exclusively European players in the turnkey development of the most diverse open source and secure infrastructure management solutions. Its strengths are innovation, uncompromising quality of customer support, secure and turnkey solutions.


Marc-André Pezin

CMO at Vates since 2017, I have been at the forefront of shaping and advancing the communication strategies and business development initiatives for Vates Virtualization Management Stack.