Meet Vates at CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2023

Vates is proud to be a partner for the upcoming CloudStack Collaboration Conference in Paris on 23-24th November. This event is a great platform where industry pioneers, passionate developers, and tech aficionados come together.

Vates continuous participation as a sponsor reaffirms its commitment to fostering innovation, collaboration, and growth within the CloudStack community and supporting open-source technologies.

About the CloudStack Collaboration Conference

The CloudStack Collaboration Conference is an annual gathering that celebrates all things related to Apache CloudStack, an open-source cloud computing platform. Renowned for its robustness, scalability, and versatility, CloudStack has garnered a dedicated community of users and contributors worldwide and it's one of the most used tool in the virtualization industry. This conference serves as an opportunity to connect, share knowledge, and explore the latest developments in cloud technology.

Important Links:

Register for CCC (As a physical or virtual attendee)

Expert Insights: Join Our Talks, Workshops, and Conferences

Olivier Lambert, CEO and Co-Founder of Vates, will host a hands-on workshop titled "Zero to Cloud Hero: Crafting a Private Cloud from Scratch with XCP-ng, Xen Orchestra, and CloudStack."

Our Chief Strategy Officer, Charles Schulz, will delve into the resilience of Open Source in his conference "Open Source is not dead", addressing how Open Source continues to thrive despite evolving business models and regulatory challenges like the EU's CRA.

Rounding out our lineup, Andrei Semenov one of our R&D system developer will present an insightful talk on "Enabling DPU Hardware Accelerators in the XCP-ng Cloud Platform Environment."

Why We Are Sponsoring the CloudStack Collaboration Conference:

At Vates, we have always been passionate about driving innovation, promoting collaboration, and supporting open-source initiatives. Apache CloudStack, a robust and versatile open-source cloud computing platform, perfectly aligns with our core values. By sponsoring this conference, we aim to:

1. Strengthen Our Commitment to Open Source:

As an integral part of the Apache CloudStack ecosystem, we believe in the transformative potential of open-source technologies. Our sponsorship reflects our dedication to nurturing the growth of CloudStack and its community.

2. Share Knowledge and Best Practices:

The CloudStack Collaboration Conference is an ideal platform for sharing knowledge, insights, and best practices. Through sessions and workshops, our experts will engage with attendees, providing valuable insights into the evolution of virtualization, cloud infrastructure and maximizing its potential.

3. Network with Industry Peers and Thought Leaders:

This conference offers a great opportunity to connect with professionals, developers, and thought leaders in the cloud industry. We are excited to network and exchange ideas with like-minded individuals who share our passion for cloud technology.

4. Support Community Growth and Collaboration:

We firmly believe that the power of open-source lies in its community. By sponsoring the Conference, we actively contribute to the growth and collaboration within the CloudStack ecosystem.